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Consort Songs and Instrumental Music
William Byrd, Orlando Gibbons

David Cordier

Consort Songs and Instrumental Music

Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525515901
Catnr: GLO 5159
Release date: 19 August 2002
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1 CD
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Catalogue number
GLO 5159
Release date
19 August 2002

About the album

Een prachtige collectie vocale en instrumentale Engelse muziek
Dit album bevat een prachtige collectie van Consort Songs uit de 16e en 17e eeuw, met de voortreffelijke countertenor David Cordier als solist. Hij wordt begeleid door de vier gamba’s van het Royal Consort, wiens soloalbum met de drie- en vierstemmige Fantazia’s van Henry Purcell met veel lof werd ontvangen. Bovendien bevat het album een weelde aan instrumentale muziek van William Byrd en Orlando Gibbons, ook uitgevoerd op de vier (en soms vijf) gamba’s, zoals aangegeven door de componisten.

David Cordier richt zich op de muziek vanaf de 16e eeuw tot aan het heden. Hij staat bekend om zijn interpretaties van rollen uit de opera’s en oratoria van Händel, bijvoorbeeld die van Hamor in Jephtha.

The Royal Consort werd in 1985 opgericht, en bestond uit vier gambisten die onder Wieland Kuijken aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag studeerden. Het ensemble specialiseerde zich in consortmuziek uit de 16e en 17e eeuw, met nadruk op het uitgebreide Engelse repertoire, uitgevoerd op authentieke instrumenten. Ze werkten niet alleen samen met Cordier, maar ook met andere vermaarde vocale solisten als Kai Wessel, Monika Frimmer en Peter Kooij. Het ensemble is inmiddels opgeheven.



Orlando Gibbons

Gibbons was an English composer, virginalist and organist of the Golden Century of English music. His career started in Cambride, after which he was named organist of the Chapel Royal. Later, he became of the Virginals of Jams I and in 1623 he was named organist of the Westminster Abbey.  Gibbons wrote a large number of madrigals and plenty of sacred music, yet he is mostly known for his instrumental music. He is seen as the succesor of William Byrd. Gibbons died of an acute stroke. His son, Christopher Gibbons, grew to fame too, as he composed Cupid and Death together with Mathew Locke, a masque on a libretto by James Shirley, which is now considered as one of the first English...
Gibbons was an English composer, virginalist and organist of the Golden Century of English music. His career started in Cambride, after which he was named organist of the Chapel Royal. Later, he became of the Virginals of Jams I and in 1623 he was named organist of the Westminster Abbey. Gibbons wrote a large number of madrigals and plenty of sacred music, yet he is mostly known for his instrumental music. He is seen as the succesor of William Byrd. Gibbons died of an acute stroke. His son, Christopher Gibbons, grew to fame too, as he composed Cupid and Death together with Mathew Locke, a masque on a libretto by James Shirley, which is now considered as one of the first English operas.

William Byrd

William Byrd was an English composer. He was one of the greatest composers of his generation. Hiis name is sometimes spelled as Bird, Byrde, or Byred. The exact dates of his birth and death are not known, and even his place of birth (Lincoln) is merely guesswork, based on the fact that several families named Byrd lived in Lincolnshire during the 17th century.  As a child, Byrd received music lessons from the renowned Thomas Tallis in the Chapel Royal in London. Byrd is part of the so-called virginalists. In 1563, he was appointed as organist of the cathedral in Lincoln, even though he must have only been around 20 years old and in 1572 he was appointed as organist of Chapel Royal...

William Byrd was an English composer. He was one of the greatest composers of his generation. Hiis name is sometimes spelled as Bird, Byrde, or Byred. The exact dates of his birth and death are not known, and even his place of birth (Lincoln) is merely guesswork, based on the fact that several families named Byrd lived in Lincolnshire during the 17th century. As a child, Byrd received music lessons from the renowned Thomas Tallis in the Chapel Royal in London. Byrd is part of the so-called virginalists. In 1563, he was appointed as organist of the cathedral in Lincoln, even though he must have only been around 20 years old and in 1572 he was appointed as organist of Chapel Royal together with Tallis. In 1575, again with Tallis, he received the rights to publish and sell his music by Queen Elizabeth I. In honour of the Queen, the two composers dedicated their Cantiones Sacrae in the same year.
On multiple occasions, Byrd was prosecuted in court. As a catholic, he was repeatedly prosecuted for the rejection of Anglicanism. Nonetheless, he remained in favour of the Queen, probably because he composed music for both religious branches. Moreover, he wrote both secular and sacred music, and both vocal and instrumental pieces.



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